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Staż studentów w Katedrze Patofizjologii w ramach programu TABMED

Zdjęcie ilustracyjne


Working in a laboratory is always an exciting experience surrounded by a coat of responsibility, but having the opportunity to add a new flavor through the cooperation of three different cultures is not an everyday occurrence. The pathophysiology Department and the guidance of supervisor Artur Słomka were kind enough to make our internship a package of rich and memorable personal growth delivered by academic knowledge.


Polish, Albanian, and Kenyan culture is as significant as similar. The Kenyan ability of the group gathering, the Polish helpfulness and friendliness together with the tolerance and respect of an Albanian made us create a comfortable and hardworking team, easy to understand and to collaborate with.

Getting an opportunity to join TABMED was such a dream come true. From researching a topic that you have an actual interest into meeting strangers who would later become close friends. At the Department of Pathophysiology, we carried out two research topics on the role of milk thistle in modulating the blood coagulation process in humans. One of the best parts of the trip was how comfortable it felt despite being in a foreign country. The people were kind and would look at us with a smile and some, innocent curiosity. We got a chance to travel to different cities such as Toruń, Gdańsk, Kraków, and Warszawa. Each city had something unique about it making it almost impossible to pick a favourite. TABMED creates a space for learning and networking with people of different cultures. It opens your mind to the vast opportunities and changes in the World.

Joy Angoya (University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya)

Iris Plaku (Aldent University, Tirana, Albania)

Katarzyna Siemiątkowska (Collegium Medicum UMK, Bydgoszcz)

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